Tuesday, April 7, 2009

In control

I've been worried since the last time I went for my checkup at my gynae. The baby inside is still head up...meaning breech. She decided to somersault after our family trip to down under. Doc jokingly mentioned that she wants to go down under too. Gosh.... I am not looking forward to another episotomy but the idea of a c-section is not comforting. I feel I am no more in control over matters. Just have to leave it to fate and faith. Hub drove me to Lighthouse church yesterday afternoon. I wanted a revenue to vent my worries etc, the church was modern not the old ie kind that I used to go when I was alittle girl. It was empty and went a lday popped out of the ofiice to offer help, asking us who we were looking for, I openly said "God". Then we were invited into an office where this nice uncle gave us a brief intro of the church. He said prayers for us before we left. But I hadnt sat down on the pews and say my prayers yet, that was the key aim. Anyway, that was so much anxiety and worry in my brain I just told this complete stranger uncle that the baby was breech and I was here to seek prayers. In tears, mind u....what a cry baby. I'm leaving it to god now.........believe in him.

1 comment:

mary said...

Hey gal...just want to tell U not to feel so stressed up. Was like U in tears esp just before the c-section when I knew that was the best option. Was totally unprepared thus body took so long to slowly heal...coz I think body went thru an op which wasnt mentally prepared for. Just keep telling urself it's ok..and baby's safety and health is the key factor yah. Don't cry gal...hUGS!!! Everything will be fine yah. Dont think abt it.