Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Ending of 2008

X'mas was super crazy this year, one gathering after another. Gosh....Hub had a long long weekend and he said he never felt so tired. I guess age is catching up with him. Simple gathering and partying wears him off. What's gotten into us??

I sit back and try to recall the events that took place this year. Ashlynn's monthly milestones, juggling work with her and balancing role of wifey as well. Hub sent me a msg it says " Its Dec and the year is coming to an end...Love you and thank you for another good year". This little appraisal is like my year end bonus.

No presents this year coz it was all accumulated into the little blue box. But the joy of just having your love ones close to you and watching them being happy and healthy is my biggest gift i could ask for.

Merry X'mas and here we come to conquering 2009

Monday, December 22, 2008

X'mas....spells the starting of a new yr

This week is X'mas week. The thought of X'mas makes me think of the events of the yr. 2008 I made a decision to go part time and care for Ashlynn. It was not an easy decision and when moments for down for me I sometimes question my choice. But the answer would be for the sake of watching her grow. Truly it has been the most fruitful journey.
She can now point to all parts of her body, even able to differantiate the male and female anatomy...sometimes in public and it can get alittle embarassing. She has attempted to run and gosh within a day or 2 she is now running really fast. Hub commented she has this ability to catch her step and nv falling. I'm keeping fingers crossed on that.
X'mas started last wkend with gathering between frenz of 10 yrs. Ashlynn was sociable even willingly giving out canned drinks but not forgetting to sneak a can of beer for herself to 'sip'. It was not opened but the scene of her 'drinking' quietly in the TV room was such a funny sight. No pic just memories.
Hub is away in Thailand again till late late on X'mas eve. What a choice of time but at least he's home for X'mas. So loooking forward to another party at a neighbour's home....we got new charismatic frenz.
What's in for next year?? A longer holiday in Aussie and a another baby gal..........yipee Ashlynn has a playmate!!!

Friday, December 19, 2008

when mummy's away

Hub always tells me to live the moment...more impt then taking pic of the moment. Butwhile I was away I left the camera at home hoping to catch a few shots what wat goes on when I'm away. And true enough hub made some effort and I thought he did a fantastic job with Ashlynn. In fact he himself was so proud of his 3 full days of caring for her, he nv stops to self praise....shameless...hhaha.... Here are the pic...preparing to take her to the lib then to the museum.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008


I'm back in hot humid Sg. I used to hate coming back from my holidays but this time round I was hoping to return to my darlings... Ashlynn the small and hub the big. Besides the air was really bad in HK and mum was slowly developing whooping cough. So I'm actually quite glad to be back, though as usual I will miss the daily dosage of HK milk tea (cold).
Absence makes the heart grow fonder, hub was really missing my absence. Hahaha...man learning the importance of companionship the hard way. Hee.....
My preg has been good so far. I pray and thank god for that given how some of my frenz are really having a hard time. We've thinking of a name for the 2nd and its tougher the 2nd time round. More updates on the choice of the name soon k....Merry X'mas to all. Its the season to give and spend less on oneself.

Friday, December 12, 2008


I'm going away for a short break in HK with mum and sis. Seriously I'm not really that excited about it, maybe coz I'm leaving hub and Ashlynn behind. Just feels different without them. Also I'm worried if hub will be able to take good care of her. He reassured me....so I muz rem 'trust'.
Have to let go sometimes.............