Friday, December 4, 2009

7 1/2mth update

A quick shot before I rush off to work.
At 71/2mths she can stand with support. And at times without support for 30sec at least.
Cries for help or when her stuff gets taken away from her by Ashlynn.
Makes funny roaring noises or sounds. Dun remember Ashlynn making any noises.
Crawls to us if given any opportunity and not a big fan of the maid. And we know why coz the maid has been so rough on her.
Super smiley and laughs with her sister when not being tortured.
But they have really different personalities. Gosh...I cant imagine what personalities do they have.
** She knows how to wave when we are leaving hm for work. Will upload video soon.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009


Hub drops me notes....honestly I'm always pleasantly surprised when I read them.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Bath Times

Bath times get more fun when you have a partner...Hmm...the same applies to adults.....Cheeky Smile ;P

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Lights turned down...

When they lights are turned down and the babies including the GIANT(Hub) one is asleep...I would try and sneak in alittle time on the virtual world. Lately I've been trying to find a nice bag online to pamper myself for my upcoming hatch day. No luck as yet. Any suggestions?
Asia Pacific Blog Awards recently took place and I tagged a few blogs that are actually pretty fun to read. These are on top of my daily fun reads in my favourites. I'm inspired and I need to find time to revamp my blog space. Fatty if u are reading.....pls help soon!!!

These are the blogs:

Friday, October 16, 2009

16th Oct 2009

Amazing how fast a child develops. Each day I wake up to something different. Andrelle has been trying to crawl this entire 5mth. 1st gliding on her tummy reaching out for things. Today she can crawl on her knees, stand when we hold her fingers and sit and look at you. Life is so unbelieveable. Thanx God

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Summary of happenings...

Its been awhile...I've been really bz.....or perhaps I should say occupied. These are all excuse. Actually I broke a my left little toe at midnite on the 1st of Aug. How timely! I've repeated the story as to why I broke it like a chicken bone, all cause I put my babies' zz before the dog. So go guess why.... I was sad, I was in a clutch and I did not want to short change my kids...apart from bathing them, I still breastfed, carried them with a clutch on one side. That's the stuborn me.

Andrelle is 5 1/2 mths and she has started to crawl, can sit up, giggles and smile to all the 'amusing' things we do in front of her. I was feeding her today and I realised she's grown so long her legs are happily tangling off my thighs. I need to have a pic of her toes and her fingers soon.

Ashlynn has been talking more and more, she's developing the jealous feelings and is more aware of people giving love to her little sister. She'll start to whine and act like her sis to get attention.

We took her on a vacation to Phuket and it was bonding time for just the 3 of us. Ashlynn loved the water as usually. She wouldnt want to leave the pool....ok I'm thinking of our next vacation destination already. Any suggestions??

Mine fav shot fm our little water fun at Botanics. Hub's women!!!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Ashlynn caught the virus fm me. Diahorrea I had...vomitting I did not. But she DID! 7 times in 2h, and she has definately lost her weight, energy. Totally restless after all the puking. Poor little thing. But I is slowly recovering after 2 days of rest. There was an epidemic in Singapore actually, and we were part of the statistics, including hub.

I got a picture of Ashlynn, she could get up jus lay on the floor. And that was after her usual nap. Gosh...she hardly ever kept still only when ill.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Am I lonesome tonite..........

I've been juggling work and family since Andrelle turned 2 1/2mths. I went back to teach twice a week and I must say sometimes it can be a challenge.
I stocked up on milk and praise the lord, I have more milk this time. I was going to the hosp to collect or at times beg for empty glass bottles to store the breast milk. I got I think close to 500 bottles of frozen milk store in the fridge. Hub calls me a cow. I'm glad in a sense that I am one. Ashlynn has been taking expressed breast milk as well. And I was blessed to be able to provide for Allison's adoptive daughter. Haha...I'm a 'milk mum' to baby Dawn. Gave her 150 bottles and I can see she's growing fast which is a good sign.
My friends ask what do I do to get so much milk. Gosh...its hard work at times. Basically feed the baby properly, and express your breasts fully. Hub has been very supportive as well. He helps with bringing the milk to the fridge for storage and washing the funnels. Tonite YY's not around. He's down with alittle flu so he decided we should continue to stay over at my mum's place while he goes home alone.
I'm lonesome tonite, miss hub alot but the MILKing must go onnnnnnnnnnnnnnn.......

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Ashlynn flipped on the day she turned 4 mths....Andrelle did a flip at 3mths. I never witnessed it this time coz I was working. Felt really lousy when my maid told me the news...Gosh...I was not there. Anyway that could be an accidental attempt by Andrelle. I console myself. Anyway since then she has been trying again and again. I witnessed it last wk. I was estatic. She's a flipper at 3mths and has been trying especially in the wee hours of 2.30AM!!!! Sleep TIME!!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

A religion

I went to Sunday school when I was a kid.I finally recalled I made a bookmark that says "Anyones who calls the name of the Lord shall be saved" Roman 10:13. I only rem this verse but I always wondered saved fm the sea saved fm where??
20th June '09 We were saved, and baptized at hm by a pastor fm Taiwan. It was an emotional moment, really happy YY and me now have someone common and great that we belong to besides our family. We hv been going to a few churches and still choosing.Not yet decided but we wan to be part of a bigger family. Be of service.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Necklaces made by my sister

Always wondered where and how my little sister could come up with so many designs for her necklaces. She has been making jewellery and selling it for 3 years already. Really admire her skills in twisting the wires, manipulating the tiny beads and handling her pilers. Often, she would start her workshop late into the night and sometimes she would even sleep on the table. But i supposed she's really enjoying what she has been doing because her works are often praised and she's really happy to see her necklaces being bought. All the best fatty!

Do visit her website at !!

Sunday, June 7, 2009


Interestingly, the body shuts down all forms of heaty food after 30 days. We chinese must be confined for 30 days or some 40 days, during this time take lots of nutrious food. I obediently ate whatever good food that was prepared and continued with it till the 32nd day....Gosh I lost my voice and I was in HEAT!!! My body automatically shut down. Why???????????????

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Birth storriessssssssss

My 1st birth story: I took the day off school so that we could collect the keys to our new place. The date 22nd Augest 2007. I could feel Ashlynn's head way low at my pelvic. Infact I was getting tired more easily. Afternoon, I needed my nap. I spoke to the 'the inner being', asking her for some time for my much needed rest. After 2h, I awoken to tummy aches. Not too bad, I could use the toilet and of coz there was stuff to clear.

As a 1st time mum you will not know what contractions are, the secret is they come in almost similar time intervals. I called the hosp, the nurse told me I could come in or wait alittle while. Just in time for dinner, I had my food in between terrible contractions. Hub got home in time too and we could pack extra food. Who knows how long it would take. My youngest bro-in-law commented that we seemed to be going for a picnic. HAHA....greedy us.

7.30pm to the ward, 9.30pm epidural taken coz it was too tiring to go with the pain. 2am fully dilated...3.47am Out came Ashlynn. So much of pushing.

2nd birth story: I learnt alot from my 1st and was expecting the 2nd to be similar. The act of pushing the bb out has been going through my brain time and again. But this time round I didnt need to be a labour.

Turned out Andrelle has been breeched since week 28 and nothing that Doc did would change her position. I was stuborn, I was not willing to go under the knife. I tried name it I would have tried. Even going to church demanding I was looking for God. I was nuts.

The day, 21st April 09 (Tue) 9am. One last attempt by doc to turn her but the uterus hardens. Doc says there's a reason why she refuses to turn so lets not force it. C-sect! Gosh its reality. Breech birth was not for me, I'm not risking her life coz I'm not a good pusher. Was hoping to pop on the 23rd April... atleast one date the same for both kids. Makes it easier for hub to rem. But doc gets to use the op theatre on Wed so too bad....22nd April shall be her birthday.

22nd April'09(Wed): 6.30am admitted, dressed up and by 8.30am on the chopping board.... The bb paedi asked me how I was when he entered the theatre. I replied: I'm being cut up. What can I say rite??!! With epidural I was fully awake. 8.43am Andrelle says hi to the world.

Growing well on breastmilk at 3 weeks.

Friday, May 8, 2009

My gals....

Our 1st shot....not a glam shot but Ashlynn and me were super happy to pose.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Hello to the world

Due to the bb being breech, I had to be cut open on the 22nd April'09. So welcoming Andrelle Wong Yu Xuan to the world. She's a whooping 3.555kg, 49cm at birth. She's got super long limbs, which explains why she kept them folded up to her face obstructing her ability to turn head down. More on my birth story soon.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

A letter to Ashlynn and bb Andrelle

Dear kids of mine,

thank you for quickly promoting my status to be a mother of two. Honestly, I will miss the threesome time I have with only Ashlynn but at the same time Daddy has reassured that it would soon be double the fun of coz sometimes double the trouble. However, God has this amazing trick of making us forget the troubles you girls would cause as time goes by.

Ashlynn, when I was 1st preg with you I told my students I was going to go through the au natural way of birth. No medicine nothing. But when the time came, it was alittle tiring going with the contractions. So it was epidural. And you came out through the birth canal after a short while.

Andrelle, you will come out to see the world and meet your elder sister tmr morning. You have a strong mind of your own. Like the meaning of your name, gosh you would not turn head down since Feb. Mummy's love ones, and friends have prayed but no avail. I think you have your reasons and we shall only know when mummy goes under the knife tmr morning. Though this time its going to be assisted, and you have made mummy worried and anxious. I'm going to tell you I had the most enjoyable 2nd pregnancy. My complexion was good, I could actively take care of Ashlynn and daddy and my overall weight gain was slow and steady.

Ashlynn you too have been anxious about Andrelle, hugging mummy's tummy every now and then, dancing to a giant balloon, playing your toy piano for 'mei mei'. I hope you both will grow up close and love each other. I await the 1st shot I can get of both of you in my arms.

Our last wkend as a family of 3 before going on to 4.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Gynae's 2nd attempt

Doc made attempt to turn the bb during my last visit in wk 38. Her butt was shifted out of my pelvic and she was in this terrible position that made me feel so choked in the tummy. I have been more uncomfortable and pain than now. Pubic bone hurts big time and I cant thing of the reason why, she is turning but I really have no idea how she is positioned inside. On one hand I wish she pops soon on the other I want her in there longer giving her more time to spin. I know she will try her best. Given her weight gain the last 2 weeks. She has out'weigh' Ashlynn to be 3.3kg and still ballooning.
This episode has brought some of my friends closer to be through their rational practical encouragements. Friends whom I last spoke to years ago have been giving me moral support. Besides hub and my family, these friends have been an amazing bunch of people. Even if I have to go under the knife I would be prepared. Although I wonder what made her not turn around this time, was it all the squats, climbs etc I had to make because I had to care for Ashlynn?? I really doubt it. Next checkup is Tue and then we will know what the final decision will be. fingers crossed and in prayer.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

In control

I've been worried since the last time I went for my checkup at my gynae. The baby inside is still head up...meaning breech. She decided to somersault after our family trip to down under. Doc jokingly mentioned that she wants to go down under too. Gosh.... I am not looking forward to another episotomy but the idea of a c-section is not comforting. I feel I am no more in control over matters. Just have to leave it to fate and faith. Hub drove me to Lighthouse church yesterday afternoon. I wanted a revenue to vent my worries etc, the church was modern not the old ie kind that I used to go when I was alittle girl. It was empty and went a lday popped out of the ofiice to offer help, asking us who we were looking for, I openly said "God". Then we were invited into an office where this nice uncle gave us a brief intro of the church. He said prayers for us before we left. But I hadnt sat down on the pews and say my prayers yet, that was the key aim. Anyway, that was so much anxiety and worry in my brain I just told this complete stranger uncle that the baby was breech and I was here to seek prayers. In tears, mind u....what a cry baby. I'm leaving it to god now.........believe in him.

Monday, March 30, 2009


People have been asking when I'm going to pop since now i obviously walk slower, and my tummy is rather low. I like this comment best, its from a life guard.
LG: " When you giving birth?"
Me: " In a few weeks."
LG: " Aiya you come here give birth, straight away baby can swim liao"

Me and hub have been swimming at serangoon pool for donkey years. The life guards have became our friends watching as develop as a young couple to now parents. They have called to call me Mummy. Weird actually, cause there can be lots of mummies at the pool at one time. I mean the life guard's comment was true but can you imagine the morbid sight of a baby popping out, bikini floating etc etc...ok I'm having crazy morbid thoughts again.

By the way, some good friends of mine have taken turns to pop their 1st and 2nd kids...and another classmate of mine is joining the mummy's club. Well done to all, and we sure will have a large playgroup soon.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Date with hub

It has been a long long long time since hub and me sat down to hv drinks with one another. I would usually feel guilty of not spending time with Ashlynn and instead we'll take her out for ice cream.
The Sunday date began with a very stern hub dragging me out of the house. I hate to see Ashlynn standing by the door watching us go. Yucks.........I once experienced that when I was a kid. But hub says, its part of life cant be with your parents all the time.
After awhile of browsing in the art gallery and people, we settled for Dome. So weird, we just sat there holding hands and slowly started talking. Took awhile to warm up I feel, we were like old fardy dardies. No more the Q and A, at a certain point I thought we were going to run out of topics. I calm my insides told myself not to rush, be patient. We were both tired from sleepless nites with Ashlynn perhaps we just needed time to listen.
True enough, hub has never been the forthcoming kind. He prefers a single mind boggling question and our conversation can go on forever. Guess what the question that got us going all the way back home. It was " Do you love your mum?" I got more insights to hub, hearing him and comforting him. It was good, we both knew it. Yup and we sure are going to do it again. This time with less inertia. Thank you mumsy for the nite.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Me time..

I was reading karen cheng's blog and she mentioned about having 'Me time'. I thought to myself do I ever find 'Me time'. Yup I truly have for the last 2 weeks, in fact when I'm at work sometimes I do find myself listening to my own thoughts while in the lift alone, driving etc.
Last night, after putting Ashlynn to bed I quickly made the effort to turn on some music and sit on my sofa to read. Gosh....I was smiling from ear to ear, there was peace. Only 20min before hub came back from his jog. It takes effort to break out of being a communal person to find time for myself. I hate to eat alone when I'm out, I rather starve. But other than that I love the idea of going for swims alone and simply reflecting amist the rippling sounds of water.
I have been making effort to got for a swim while Ashlynn naps and exercising can take some motivation many a times. I tell myself I will never regret it even if its a 20min swim, then I drag myself to the pool. True enough, I've been very happy.
I'll be finding more 'Me time', before 2nd one pops. I'm still trying to think of a name for her....any ideas....I'm so so fussy!!!

Friday, February 20, 2009

Back from hols...

It was a good trip to Aussie. We had a 'rojak' of emotions daily with the little gal ard. My mum asked me when we were back whether hub and me quarrelled during the trip. I paused and then said, gosh we had no time and energy to quarrel. Every little time we had we would quieten down and talk about our lives and just enjoy the moment. Yipee....I finally got what hub has been trying to tell me all this while....'Live the moment'.

I put on 3kg since my return and the nurse at my gynae's clinic was complaining out front to Ashlynn. The tummy just ballooned and in 2 weeks the bb put on a kilo. Imagine the sudden load I was carrying around. But I'm enjoying preghood and really scared of going through labour, especially the episotomy part.

I've got a favorite self-protrait of me as a ballooning dugong to share. Really its a hilarious shot I find. No killer whales I told my husband just a tame omnivorous dugong.

Our last trip before the 2nd pops and till the next trip, this has been a memorable fun filled one. And can only to made possible with hub being so amazingly hands on in caring for Ashlynn and of coz the little rascal who helped aroused the zillion emotions in us. Love

Friday, January 23, 2009

Feelings after a period of absence

Hub was home after a week and it was a pretty long period of absence given that we are used to seeing each other everyday,conversing on the phone ampteen times. I felt different when he was home. More polite towards each other. Hub says coz we didnt hv a built up of 'hatred' over the week. Haha....true sometimes we really need our personal space and being away awhile once in a while may help relieve some of the stress.

It was to the Birdpark on the 17th Jan to get some family bonding with Ashlynn. Ironically we never got shots of the BIRDS. Alittle disappointing coz we felt the birds to be catching up with age and high time they bring in new ones. Ticket prices were soaring high too, just to view 'old birds'.

CNY is on Mon, goodies have been brought in. Though there is this weird side of me that the sights of the tidbits turn me off now. Only when the festival is over will I crave for some sinful pineapple tarts.

Sch term has come to a closure for me now till after I pop and return in June. Pregnancy has been fabulous so far, though the tummy has revealed itself suddenly over the span of the last mth. Weight slowly increasing. its 56kg now.....only when we are ballooning graceful do we openly spill out our most sacred number.

To a good ox year

Monday, January 12, 2009

Thoughts..during sickness

Yesterday was the worst Sunday I put myself through. I was a 'Merlion' the moment I woke and the world was spinning soon later. It was to the doc in the afternoon and I'm down with food poisoning cum gastric flu. Hub was good to take care of Ashlynn while I was immobile. I never thought I would get food poisoning ,just by eating 'pig intestines'. I've eaten that countless times and given the dirty stuff I eat during our backpack trips. I thought I had a dirty tummy by nature. I could only pray to god and wish for energy to return. Ashlynn was having a running nose too,she hasnt been eating well. Thanx to mum who took care of her for the nite while Hub and me returned home to hibernate. Hub is down with gastric flu too...can you imagine 2 buffaloes who usually would be well and jumpy but suddenly collapsing into a stumper in seperate rooms in case the reinfect each other. What a sight!
As I toss in bed to sleep I pray that hub recovers, Ashlynn sleeps well at mum's and I get myself up and going soon.
Was telling hub if anything happens I've always felt loved in different ways and have loved him much too. He usually gives hugs in return and tells me to sleep. I guess he knows medicine makes a person have morbit thoughts.
What has cheered me up and brought tears of happiness is the union of my dear fren Geraldine with her soulmate Brian. We were not that close during school days but as ppl grow older they find frenship again and reunderstand each other. I guess that's what's happening to us. Truly happy for her.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Still cant believe it

Being in the academic line a new year begins for me when school reopens and this 2009 school reopens on the 5th Jan. And that kind of sets me into the reality that 2008 is GONE!!!!
Its going to be a short 3 weeks of school before it closes for the long break----10 weeks!! To readers it means no work no $$$. Got to save save save and maybe ask for donation from readers haha...that's so evil.
I need to plan out exactly how I'm going to spend the 10 weeks, not going to waste it. I remember my schools holidays were spent mugging no time wasted. And I guess I never regretted not wilding my time away. Any suggestions my dear readers??
I've a few things lined up already 1) Aussie trip, 2) Exe with Ashlynn, 3)Taking up piano lessons again, 4) Brush up on photography
These are really secondary to the daily tasks of caring for myself, Ashlynn, having time for hub, making time for extended family.
Juggling....thats what we all do. I feel like a clown haha.