Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Am I lonesome tonite..........

I've been juggling work and family since Andrelle turned 2 1/2mths. I went back to teach twice a week and I must say sometimes it can be a challenge.
I stocked up on milk and praise the lord, I have more milk this time. I was going to the hosp to collect or at times beg for empty glass bottles to store the breast milk. I got I think close to 500 bottles of frozen milk store in the fridge. Hub calls me a cow. I'm glad in a sense that I am one. Ashlynn has been taking expressed breast milk as well. And I was blessed to be able to provide for Allison's adoptive daughter. Haha...I'm a 'milk mum' to baby Dawn. Gave her 150 bottles and I can see she's growing fast which is a good sign.
My friends ask what do I do to get so much milk. Gosh...its hard work at times. Basically feed the baby properly, and express your breasts fully. Hub has been very supportive as well. He helps with bringing the milk to the fridge for storage and washing the funnels. Tonite YY's not around. He's down with alittle flu so he decided we should continue to stay over at my mum's place while he goes home alone.
I'm lonesome tonite, miss hub alot but the MILKing must go onnnnnnnnnnnnnnn.......

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