Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Harris Resort Batam

I usually go through a long time to decide on my vacation accomodation. Rule 1: Research research research. This time under the recommendation of my mil's fren we booked Harris within 10min.
Mistake!!! My fil was so disappointed on arrival, he wanted to take the next boat back. There are 2 wings in the resort. The old wing was not well maintained. My room smelled of the damp toilet smell. It was so bad I had to apply Andrelle's tummy ointment on my nose and all around the room. Breakfast was prepared by a lazy chef. Gosh too many to go on and on. Only consolation their flushing system was splendid. Really good with collecting s***.
One ugly sight I witnessed was a mid twenties pretty lady openly holding a container to pack food during breakfast. She acted blurred when being approached by the waiter. I was standing behind her, I was embarrassed by her behaviour. Told her she was not allowed to pack food before I walked away.
The weekend was really a tiring one, even though we all had a 3h spa each. It did not seem to be able to wash away memories of the 'wonderful' resort.

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